NOTAN OFFICE is a Brussels based architecture practice founded in 2014 by Frédéric Karam. Aware of the specificity of each project, the studio often collaborates with others and works on projects in Switzerland, Lebanon, England and Belgium.

The work of NOTAN OFFICE is socially and programmatically committed. With a rational approach, the studio boldly manipulate the established, resulting in a unique architecture. Whatever the scale, the approach is contextual and seeks to enhance the essence of a place, the people and their concerns in line with today's society.

Driven by sustainability, we believe in architecture that accommodates user individuality. NOTANs projects resonate with sensory experiences. From spatial flow to material choices, the practice creates textured environments that captivate and engage.


We're currently not looking for new collaborators or interns. Stay posted on Insta or here for any possible upcoming jobs.


Av. de la Couronne 382 1050 Bruxelles notan @ +32 (0) 488 86 81 15 BE0756.704.720

Social media

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Frédéric Karam


Gabriele Mencattini / Bastien Frémond / Joffrey About

Past collaborators

Nel Alexander Dau / Stéphanie Milan / Charles Dujardin / Arthur Wéry / Pauline Malaquin / Victor Selle / Sibel Yardimci / Argjire Gashi / Esther Perrier / Isis Desmaison / Tommaso Asso / Zyad Belhaj / Sara Lapinska.

Design and Code

Bureau DAM